
Monday, January 29, 2007


Baggage ClaimI played hookie today - I left after half a day of work. And I was completely evil: I dressed up, wearing flat-front tweed pants ($2.99/Goodwill) and a dress shirt ($10.95, years ago from Montgomery Ward going out of business sale - it's pathetic I can still remember what I paid). So everyone could speculate wildly that I was interviewing for a job.

As if.

I drove to a Laser Center where I really did have an appointment. (2 $50 certificates for which I had paid $15 each.) We had them take a look at pesky earhair, fine line wrinkles around the eyes, a blotch that appeared a few years ago on a cheek and a suspicious mole on my back.

The appointment took less than a half hour and wasn't entirely good news as apparently my earhair contains no pigment so therefore no laser. Ugh. The difficulties of growing old.

After the appointment, I treated myself to a movie. Didn't get a good review, huh? But I enjoyed it - and you would, too, on $2 Tuesdays.

Afterwards I drove home through a powdery snowstorm that reminded me of the sugar substitute Splenda and spent a nice time playing with my dog Grace. Her eyes are milking over but she doesn't act too blind running around the house, perhaps because she's so familiar with it. Blind or not, she certainly acts no older, grinding the top of her skull into the carpet and grunting - a behavior she does when she's happy.

After that, we both took a nap. Not bad.

# posted by B. Arthurholt : 5:07 PM : Luscious