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Monday, November 07, 2005

The Day Before Election Day 

I never paid much attention to off-year elections. This year is a little different.

There are a few highly-publicized Issues on the ballot tomorrow, all couched in terms of 'reform' and I don't know how I'm going to vote.

And it's really Issues 2 thru 5 that are problematic. (A vote for Issue 1 allows local governments to issue bonds for badly needed economic stimulus. A no-brainer in my book.) Issues 2 through 5 specifically target 'election reform' to let 'the people's vote count' and limit 'special interests.' The League of Women Voters' (a group I've always respected) supports the issues, but many elected Democrats oppose.

I feel as though I live in a real 1984, a through-the-looking-glass world where a vote for 'reform' will make things worse.

The other major choice tomorrow is for Dayton's mayor. Since the end of the 1990s or rather, the 'Bush economy,' business interests have been not-so-slowly trickling out of downtown; violent crime, drugs, racially-motivated attacks have all been growing. And while there is no love lost on this place by me, it doesn't have to be this way.

I have never seen such a vocal campaign for mayor. Flyers, yard signs, newspaper and tv ads. I believe this is an important election that could significantly impact Dayton's next 4 years, if not longer.

One of the key campaign focuses has been the 'growing amount of blighted housing' and 'absentee landlords.'

*sigh* I have a few bugs about this argument.

If the economy were stronger, if there were local jobs, then local people could own their own home.

A few sentences ago, I mentioned the Democrats oppose something. Even when they've had weak candidates that have no hope of winning (Mondale -speaking of 1984 - or Dukakis), I've always voted straight party line. They have always represented the lesser of two evils.

But I've had it with them. Or maybe I've had it with the vast majority of people in this country. I cannot believe that a majority of people continue to elect people and make popular choices that are against their best interests!

But worse, like with the wording of Issues 2 through 5, I no longer know what my best interest is...

# posted by B. Arthurholt : 9:07 PM : Luscious

Sunday, November 06, 2005


"I need your help with something."
"What is it?"
"Here. Read this out loud and do as it says."
"Okay. Wait... what is this? Is this some Kabbalah crap?"
"Oh! Don't say that! Just help me out."
"Whatever. What am I supposed to do?"
"You're going to help me put on the red string. Now. Here it is and you have to do exactly what it says."
"Alright alright. I hope you didn't spend a lot of money on this. How much did this cost?"
"$10. Now you have to read the book and do exactly what it says."
"$10 for a piece of red string? Okay okay. Are you ready? Ahem.'The Red String protects us from the influences of the Evil Eye.' Oh give me a break!"
"C'mon, keep reading."
"'The Evil eye is a very powerful negative force. It refers to the unfriendly stare and unkind glances we sometimes get from people around us.' (Puh-leeze!) 'Envious eyes and looks of ill will affect us, stopping us from realizing our full potential in every area of our life.' I canNOT believe I'm sitting here reading this."
"You're being negative. Keep going."
"'Have someone you love tie the Red String to your left wrist. First, have them tie the string closely around your wrist with a simple knot.' I'm supposed to tie a knot?"
"How's this - not too tight?"
"'Repeat by knotting the string six more times for a total of seven knots.' (Okay...) 'Now make a promise to yourself that you will refrain from negative thoughts or talk about others. This harmful behavior will interfere with your effort to gain personal fulfillment and protection. Then have the person finish by saying the Ben Porat Prayer (read from right to left) which prevents others from giving us the evil eye.' I'm supposed to read this?"
"Yes, read it from right to left."
"'ben porat yosef ben porat alei ayin hamalach hagoeil oti mikol ra yivarech et hanarim yvikare bahem shmi vshem avatoi Avraham vYitzchak vyidgu larov bkerev haretz.' (*sigh*)"
"Hugshyhermit, thank you so much! Now I'm supposed to be surrounded by good thoughts until the string falls away."
"It's difficult for me to take this seriously, but it's not hurting anyone either I guess..."

# posted by B. Arthurholt : 10:32 PM : Luscious